Caring for your loved one during Christmas

It is good to remind ourselves that the Christmas season is not just one of lights and joy, but also of darkness and corruption. For those who have endure Ritual Abuse Christmas can be triggering, depressing and painful. Those in Satanic Cults observe holidays on : 12/21, 12/24, 12/25, and 12/31. These represent, Satanic and demon revels, Da Meur, and the Grand High Climax. Don’t enter this season glibly, but fortify yourself. If you are a Significant Other to someone with DID, you will want to be patient, kind, encouraging, loving and supportive during this time. Remind your loved one gently that what they are experiencing holds no real power over them any longer. _____________________ Here are some things to consider as you arm yourself for this holiday. 1. Minimize contact with dangerous people. Hopefully, you are no longer in contact to your loved one’s abuser, but….. if you are, make sure your spouse is never alone with them. If you are at their home for Christ...