The Pandemic and DID

The pandemic with stay-at-home orders can be difficult for anyone. Articles are appearing all throughout the internet on how to cope with being at home. There are multiple levels of difficulty at this time. Single people who are feeling alone, Mothers who are dealing with their children 24/7; Unemployment, difficult marriage situations and so much more. Add to it households where the virus is present. And in our world of loving someone with DID, we may not really know what is going to happen until we are in the thick of it. None of what I am writing in this article is applicable to all individuals with DID, not are my thoughts conclusive nor prescriptive. I hope however that they are helpful. Stop for a moment to consider what the possible feelings and thoughts are that come to the forefront if you are DID. Like many others, the fact that we are basically ‘trapped’ at home can lead to some very difficult feelings in someone with DID. The likelihood that they...