Integration, 3 years later

I am fully aware that there are multiple opinions about integration. I know there are some strong objections to the idea of taking this path in DID. I have also received some strong pushback about it. But this is not a discussion about whether or not integration is right or wrong, good or bad, this is simply an update about our experience after my bride made the choice to integrate. After 10 years of therapy and working toward integration (and actually successfully integrating), my bride decided to take a break from all that counseling. She was worn out, tired, just plain sick and tired of fighting, and our financial situation did not allow for more therapy. So she took a break. That break left her with certain deficiencies and unable to deal with the new life that presented itself to her. We had been warned by her then therapist that she needed continued treatment for at least “adjustment disorder” if not for PTSD and abuse recovery. DID therapy does not often address these...