Have you ever heard the term, “Just like riding a bike”? The meaning behind this expression is that once you have learned to ride a bike, you really never forget how. As a musician, you may get rusty, but if you have ever learned to play an instrument, you will always remember how to play it. Or think about the last time a sound of a bird or the smell of food took you back to some place and time. This is the same concept with body memories from abuse. Your body, remembers everything from sounds, smells, touches, tastes and most significantly abuse. The memories are held in your body connected with some memory inside your mind. As a survivor of abuse, you, or your loved one may have been too young to remember certain things consciously, but the body still holds that memory. As someone with DID, you or your loved one, may have dissociated and so have no conscious memory of the event while your body does. Maybe a alter remembers but has locked it away in a deep dark cella...