Triggers, how to fight them

The term trigger has grown in popularity over the past decade. Initially, triggers were those things that would cause someone who had experienced some level of abuse or trauma, to be transported back to that place and to relive it as if it were in the present. Today, in my opinion, too many people use the word ‘trigger’ and too many use it as an excuse to behave badly. I ran across this definition on the internet. “Emotional triggers are when you feel someone is not honoring what makes you special.” I apologize if I make anyone angry here, but this sounds like Snowflake psychology. People should not be able to kidnap a word and it’s meaning in this way; especially if it is something that is tied to such horrific and terrible experiences as those who suffer from DID or PTSD. What people have to realize is that triggers, legitimate triggers, can literally transport a person back to the place of greatest suffering. There is no ‘snapping out...