Putting the pieces back together again

When we talk about people who have Dissociative Identity Disorder as having “split”, it is not describing a Humpty Dumpty like experience, who broke into a million pieces, it is probably a little more like a mirror that lays broken on the ground, each piece reflecting the original, each piece shaped just a little differently. I realize that this is a simplistic view, but for our purposes, let’s go with it. When Humpty Dumpty fell and broke apart, all of his innards poured out, and there was nothing to be done. But when a mirror breaks you can bring all of the pieces back together and make one whole again. (Again, simplistic but let’s go with it) If you bring all of the pieces of a broken mirror back together, you will actually have one reflection again. It will still be cracked and the damage will still be visible but the image will be one. If you know anything about glass and mirrors, you know that to restore them back to their original state may be difficult. You may e...