What about Sex with your DID partner?

!!!!Age and Trigger Warning!!!! this conversation is not for young people – this is about mature relationships ………………. If your loved one was sexually abused as a child, it can make a physical relationship difficult. Dissociative Identity Disorder adds another layer of complexity to this issue. At times your spouse may be completely unable to engage in intimacy while other times they may be very interested. Your loved one’s responses may range from prudish to adventurous. It’s in these times that we have to be as alert as we can. The reality is that each part, or alter will bring it’s own set of challenges into the bedroom. Here are a couple of things to think about in this area.: Protect your loved one's child alters Never and I mean, NEVER be intimate with one of the child alters. Since many of our loved ones were horribly abused as children, we have to try to guard them and ourselves as much as possible from adding to that abuse. You wil...