Your true Identity

Identity is an interesting thing. We all struggle with our identity somewhere. People will walk through life ‘knowing’ their identity to be a loser, fat, stupid, ugly, useless, crazy. Maybe their identity is steeped in being the best, a jock, cool or a class clown. In my experience, everyone has been saddled with an identity. If you are told that you are something long enough, that identity sticks, usually to our disadvantage. This is why I think it is most unfortunate that the health profession chose to change Multiple Personality Disorder to Dissociative IDENTITY Disorder. Think about it, if you have been diagnosed with DID, someone has successfully placed an identity on you. Your identity is “DID”. At least this is what I often see in people who struggle with this disorder. I must confess that my wife and I both have lived in this unhealthy perception of the state of things in our lives for too long. She and I both have lived in the perception that her true identity was...